Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello from deep within a Saturday

Oh the plight of a law school wife.

Sometimes you lose out to the work at hand.  You try makeup + drying your hair for once, 2 varieties of baked goods within the same 24-hour period, and the piece d'resistance, sweetly offering up a Lord of the Rings marathon night, to no avail.  Like today, a perfectly beautiful January Saturday in Virginia and cute husband has taken off for Washington D.C. to learn about election law...
But, the man IS published, so can I really complain?

Oh you know you just want to read it so bad!

Okay, yes, I've been trying to find a way to brag about this for about 3 weeks now, so sue me....(But remember my husband will be a lawyer in 8 months, so double-check that subpoena!)

More real than the plight of a law school wife is the plight of an army wife, and I just read an excellent collection of short stories that floored me.  It's called You Know When the Men Are Gone by Siobhan Fallon and I can't recommend it highly enough.  It's well-written and meaty--a bit more realistic than the Lifetime show Army Wives, which makes life on a military base seem vaguely glamorous--and I read it in about 2 days, you could probably read it faster.

And now I will return to watching The Office on DVD and drinking coffee.  Saturday chores can wait till, let's say, Wednesday.  Life is hard.

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