Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello from deep within a Saturday

Oh the plight of a law school wife.

Sometimes you lose out to the work at hand.  You try makeup + drying your hair for once, 2 varieties of baked goods within the same 24-hour period, and the piece d'resistance, sweetly offering up a Lord of the Rings marathon night, to no avail.  Like today, a perfectly beautiful January Saturday in Virginia and cute husband has taken off for Washington D.C. to learn about election law...
But, the man IS published, so can I really complain?

Oh you know you just want to read it so bad!

Okay, yes, I've been trying to find a way to brag about this for about 3 weeks now, so sue me....(But remember my husband will be a lawyer in 8 months, so double-check that subpoena!)

More real than the plight of a law school wife is the plight of an army wife, and I just read an excellent collection of short stories that floored me.  It's called You Know When the Men Are Gone by Siobhan Fallon and I can't recommend it highly enough.  It's well-written and meaty--a bit more realistic than the Lifetime show Army Wives, which makes life on a military base seem vaguely glamorous--and I read it in about 2 days, you could probably read it faster.

And now I will return to watching The Office on DVD and drinking coffee.  Saturday chores can wait till, let's say, Wednesday.  Life is hard.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stay warm

T.S. Eliot said April was the cruelest month, and I trust his literary genius, but holy moly January should be considered a close and terrible second.  Those 31 days just kind of stretch out like the Iditarod, don't they?

This is the bleak midwinter, but we can't even play the beautiful Christmas song by the same name because the most wonderful season has left us, and left us in tatters...

I don't know what to say about the events in Arizona, as it has been greatly on my mind--when there's tragedy you feel like everything's been said, there's nothing to add, other than your thoughts and your prayers, and those always seem woefully inadequate.  Over the years I've come to imagine that in dark days like these there's a big pile of thoughts and prayers somewhere that keeps getting bigger still and stronger and more solid, until it's an everlasting entity all its own that can really make things better in a way.  So each day of worry and anxiety I feel about the whole thing I take a moment to add one more ounce of thought to the pile.


I have fallen in love with my Kindle!  This definitely detracts from my literary street cred, but I don't care!  It's just so cool!

But of course I am still an avid collector of the paper book and that will never change.  Here's my stack...

And so Christmas fades away...

...but it is still just January, so we can keep lighting candles.

Cheerier post soon.
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